Danny Weil's Wild Wheel Thrill Arena
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Danny Weil's Wild Wheel Thrill Arena

Date: Aug 07 - Aug 14, 2024

Dedicated to the Preservation of the Lost Art of Live Traveling Thrill Show Entertainment! Happening August 7-14 with showtimes at 1:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30pm.

Located on the Strates Shows Midway near the Ferris Wheel.

A vintage "wall of death" motordrome show returns to the Fair for the first time since the 1970s. Watch as daredevil motorcycle riders defy gravity on a vertical wall, performing high-speed acrobatic tricks.

The thrill arena motordrome is a silo-shaped, wooden cylinder inside a tented structure. The show begins outside of the arena as the bombastic ballyhoo of a carnival “talker” entices fairgoers to “step inside.” Upon entering, guests watch as daredevil riders mount vintage Indian & Harley Davidson motorcycles to defy gravity on a vertical wall, performing high-speed acrobatic tricks. Spectators will experience the loud rattle of screaming motors, smell the burning of squealing tires and will feel the rush of wind as cycles speed past just inches away from view
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