Dairy Cattle
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Home > Competitions > Livestock > Dairy Cattle

Dairy Cattle

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See below for full details on entry information, show information, schedule and upcoming deadlines.

For questions about entering your animal into the Fair, please contact the Agriculture office at entries@ecfair.org or 716-649-3900 x. 6499
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Man showing his dairy cattle
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Important Dates

Early Entry: 07/14/2025
Late Entry: 08/01/2025 or later must call the office at (716)649-3900 ext. 6499

Entries open April 1
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How do I enter?

What are the health requirements?

Is stalling first come first serve?

When will I receive my premium check?

When do I get my admission passes?

Do I need to be a New York State resident to enter?

Can I enter more than one specie?

Who can I contact if I have questions about entering my animal?

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Breakfast with Champions

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