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Home > Competitions > Woodcarving


Woodcarving - For the person who carves. Classes include figures, animals, agriculture, rough outs, and wood turning.

How To Enter

Important Dates

Entry Deadline: July 11, 2025
Entry Drop-off: August 1, 2025, 12-7; August 2, 2025, 12-6

Entries open April 1


Contact the Competitive Exhibits office at ceoffice@ecfair.org or by phone at 716-649-3900 ext. 6407


What is the entry fee and what does it include?

Is it $25 per entry or $25 total?

What do I do if I am an Erie County Agricultural Society Member?

How do I get my admission passes?

I am out of town on the entry drop-off/removal date of the department I entered in, can someone else drop-off/pick up my entries?

What if I am not sure that my item fits into a category?

Breakfast With Champions. Click here for more information.

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